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Wow this game was insane, terrifying!! Didn't know I could play on phone at all, hope to see new and more content from you! ‼️


Well, I wanna play this game in Android but it won't let me installed it, I've been downloading it for three times but it still doesn't work, and I was thinking about it was my phone or the game? If it was the game install can you please fix it? I really wanted to play this game. And of course I'm a big fan of dark romance novels! And this is what I need. I will support the person who made this game. And please make another dark romance game and I'm willing to play it on Android ☺

hello! sorry, i just saw this now raaa i don't check my comments often.. anyway, it's most probably your devices problem 😅 i suggest you try it on another device, if you have one, or uh.. opt to watch a playthrough TOT sorry.. still, thank you for the support!


I love this game, I hope you can release more endings or a sequel, I found Daniel in a app and I loved it and the game was in the description, I loved it. I don't know if you would like help translating it into Spanish, since that is my native language and this way you can reach a Spanish-speaking audience. If you have any questions, let me know. 

thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed it :DD

spanish translation is in the works! ill post an update when it's completed ^^


This is so good, lord, I need more...


Jesus Christ that was INNNtense, like seriously, but it was also incredibly enjoyable. thank u so much for making this and I wish you luck for your future endeavors and projects because it only gets better from here, and that says a LOT!!


holy SHIT this is the most horrified I've ever been playing a game. 10/10 great writing how did Daniel even come to exist  😭

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eu ADOREI isso AAAAAAAA, principalmente como você FEZ dele um psicopata de verdade. Seria legal se lançassem outro baseado na primeira vez que o daniel nos sequestra, com rotas da gente tentando fugir, falhando ou apenas não fazendo.

(2 edits) (+1)

The game is good, I liked it, I will definitely wait for the full version, there is certainly a lot of cruelty, but I am glad that this novel is realistic, and not as usual, the author is well done, if possible I will send money to support the project 🖤


<3 Thank you for the android port! GREAT CONTENT!!! ;O;~~~


Hiii sooo I really wanted to try this game because I'm more into topics like this, I was at the first's dialogues and it suddenly turned into pure black screen and crashed me out of the game... I've tried to re-run it but still the same (I'm playing this on Android). I'm wondering if there's a way to fix this? Thanks xx

have you tried deleting everything and then reinstalling it? if that doesnt work, it might be your devices problem.. some devices just cant run renpy games :[

I already did but yeah, it might've been my phone, haha... I'll just try it on another device •́ ‿ ,•̀


I really.. I really like him. I don't care if he's a stalker because he's mentally ill. I want to be able to treat him with companionship and love.. Not like in the game.I'm willing to let him imprison me, but I don't want him to hurt me like this. Because it hurts too much.But in order to achieve the game effect, this is not bad.I like this game very much! Hopefully there will be a sequel or more endings!

(1 edit) (+4)

As Kaikai33 requested, I took my time for some days to create a Daniel character in janitorAI. Saw some other Daniel characters there, felt like they were missing something.. Dunno.

Unlike c.AI it's not censored. ;)

Sorry if his picture is unpleasing. I didn't want to use the creators original drawings for it to be some copyright thing.

PS: Still obsessed and love this game. Can't wait till you finish it. 🖤🖤🖤


redes sociais? Quero ver mais das suas artes (dele também né? 7w7)


they're in my carrd! <3


genuinely terrified of the ppl still simping over him after playing the game


someone reply to me when the full game is released PLEASE or if they announce what date the full game will come out


Finally! A game about psychotic/mentally ill bastard that is not just some loving yadere boy. I've played this a couple times to see all of the content and I appreciate the little dalogues that changes in each choice I make, ESPECIALLY the Deny fist the comply one in that scene, love the small reward for complying haha.

I look forward to the full version and new games in the future! 


thank u!! i lov ebil characters.. muhehehehe


sorry in advance for mistakes as my english is not my native language.

i liked the game but it would be interesting to know the backstory of Daniil and YN.

What kind of relationship were they in? did Daniil show his oddities then trying to seem normal? could there have been a key moment when YN decided to break off communication with him?

Good luck to you in creating the full version

thank you for playing! the game isn't an elaborate story, really.. but you can learn more about him in my faq, and his toyhouse

still, i will try to add more context in the full game ^^


БОЖЕ ЭТО ТАКАЯ КЛАССНАЯ ИГРА,ВАУ. Целую разработчику руки и ноги за это.🙏

Мне особенно нравится подобранная мелодия, идеально создающая атмосферу. И ваша рисовка бесподобна. Я прошел все концовки,секретная была неожиданной. Очень хочется больше концовок,развилок событий,выборов и более прописанные чувства игрока. Надеюсь вы добавите хотя-бы половину из этого

thank you!! there will be more characters and endings in the final game ^^


I dont understand how to run the game on my pc if anyone can explain :,)

sorry for the late response! you just need to unzip the file and run the exe :]

Run the exe? how do i do that I am so sorry, I have never done this before

it's alright! just double-click the .exe file (the one with the pliers icon) 

Thank you! I got it to work and it was amazing! I loved the story!


Im so in love with him. Thank you for this masterpiece.

(2 edits) (+6)(-1)

loved this game! Oh my god is Daniel so unhinged ;-; but that's what I love abt him ig?? It's like "damn you're hot" But also "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME-- WHERE'S MY GUN?!"

Edit: I loved the sense of helpness we got. Very disturbing game. Can't wait to see more! 


for real i agree


"you cant change him" *starts playing changed from Steven* YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE 🗣YOU CAN MAKE IT RIGHTTT


The way I cackled ;-;


if he wants me to be a mother how am i supposed to take care of the children and cook? i got no limbsssss!! bro is going to hae to give me prosthetic legs and arms 


I have the same question ^-^


I'm sorry, but where is the secret code? I tried to find it in the playlist, but I couldn't find it. Oh, I'm not good at English.


When you wake up from your sleep. The following dialouge will be:

"Please, please" before the game made you input the code


The code is:



loved this game so much I played through it twice :). I really wish someone would help me though, I cant figure out how to get the secret ending and I hear from people online that its super disturbing any tips???


The secret ending is in the playlist.

Read the Iwanttowear...

(1 edit) (+3)

hi!! is there any way i can download it somehow?? i don’t have any of the platforms for it and i only have an iphone 



ive seen shady sites with packs for ios, but im not sure if it is safe to install that.. :[


wow, just wow (in a good way!) I saw someone post about your game on TikTok and i decided to check it out and just wow. amazing job!




You actually inspired me to create my first character and it is Daniel. Lol.

Love your game. Can't wait to see what new features, endings you will add in the future.

I would actually like to have options to be completely submissive to Daniel, without him mutilating the MC too much. Perhaps having the option to escape alive or seeing how it is to be a mother.

Great job on the secret ending. I loved how unsettling it was. 

Btw. My is if anyone is interested to chat with him. 


I love you

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I created another one aswell if you are interested. It's the bedroom scene. 😄

Took my time to edit both of them for a good while, to see how the bot acts & talks. Trying to get it as closely as possible to how Daniel is. Man I wish the wasn't so censored. 😂

is there anyway you could post on Janitor ai, they now have their own llm so no need to worry about using other ai sites and theres so censorship, I just love this character and really wanna chat with him but the censors make it so hard :(

I will look into it now. Thanx for your tip. Going to keep the same nickname there as here 'RottMace' for obvious reasons. Let's see how this maniac Daniel will work there :)

omg you’re the best!!! I’ll check it out as soon as you post it!!!


Janitor ai seems to have multiple Daniel's to choose from. 😄 Don't think mine would be any better.


lord hvae mercy this was so crazy 


i am so terrified to play this. i might as well


OHMYGOD! NOW THIS IS MY GAME! This just adds another 10 years in my lifespan 🫡 I can't wait for more in the future and sees daniel more aghh, its so embrassing how much i was blushing when he says good girl.

Developer ilysm ill take you out on a date AHFHEJAERXH


Now this is the type of horror i need in my life, thank you


If I could be abused without losing literally my favorite limbs id appreciate it, like- take my legs, not my arms- I love my arms man 😢

(1 edit) (+6)

im terrified.


same fr, i almost felt like i'm gonna puke after the secret ending. The game is good tho :


Love the story so much, it reminds me of the song Helena by Misfits. Can't wait to see more!

Omg yes!!! That song suits him perfectly


Oh, my God, I'm thrilled with this game, the music, sounds, visual effects - all this pleases my eyes and ears (and I've played many novels, believe me), so, as for me, this is a very good start for someone who has never done this, but for the demo- it's even very good.

Well, then I would like to express my opinion about the plot... The plot is not bad, it inspires good hopes, but I think that this demo version is like a continuation of the game that has already been completed, as if we should already know what he was like before the main character ran away from him, and understand how broken he was that he decided to do this, it's the experiences of the main character himself, but that's just my opinion, but I understand how difficult it is to write the story and character of the characters in principle, and it's not easy, so I think it's just a matter of hard work 

(sorry for possible errors in the text, English is not my native language...)


thank you for the feedback and suggestions! i'll take it into consideration <3


THANK YOU so much for this game and new hyperfixation for me! 

It's been a long time since I've felt so many emotions at once: disgust, fear, excitement and even pity. I don't know why, but I've teared up at his words in the secret ending. And it's a pity that I don't have PayPal to send you money, because your work deserve to be payed. You are the best at it! <3

thank u!! u dont have to give me any monays!! i do this for fun hihi, and im glad u enjoyed it!


Is it wrong that I find his skinless face hotter than the one with skin 😔🙏🏼🙏🏼 you made him so what for what


i feel u.. ure so rel for that


downloading this nearly broke my phone and i could barely use my phone for about thirty minutes. absolutely worth it

LMAOO IM SORRY.. thank u for risking ur fon to play da gaym <33

how’d u play on ur phone dude the file won’t load or summ 

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