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hii, where's the playlist? where can i find the secret code? i really loved the game <3 

This game is so gruesome and it really shows how terrifying our world is, omfg i almost vomit when he ripped his face off

I loved the game it is very good! I was believing that I would have a "happy" ending where I would not lose my legs, but unfortunately there was no 😆😅 would love to see a little of Daniel's step with Y/N, know how they met and how the beginning of everything was. I'm super looking forward to the full release ❤


why are people romantizing him? wtf thats not funny its just gross...he´s a rapist...i really hope this game was´t made for fetich shit but for horror itself, really unconfortable but i think that´s the idea right?


Really hated the people romanticizing this shit ngl, but the horror in the game is pretty alright. I don't want to be mega critical because people will jump me saying I should've expected it and I did expect a lot of messed up shit, but the rape completely turned me off. Obviously, he's not meant to be dreamy and what not, I just wish people didn't make him seem "dreamy" and appreciated the game for it's horror rather than anything else lol. The game needs better writing, but it's pretty alright, I suppose.


I'm loving the game so much thus far though I've run into a continuous issue. After the fact YN is basically pleading to be killed it just freezes when he turns to them. I don't know if this is just my pc or something else. I really want to finish this but I just can't progress.

(1 edit)

you have to type somehting! just press enter if u have none

thank u for enjoying ^^

I really liked your prototype... I hope to see the final version soon, :) 


This. Game. Is. As. Perfect. As. Him ♥


He literally took serious the "to be loved is to be consumed" 


that's the best VN game i have played in a while, it's insane i hope there will be more endings

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I guess that's the best horror ever. Plot, style, sounds, especially the insanity of the secret ending! Im looking forward for the final game <3 How's it going btw?


Contains spoilers for the secret ending!!

This game is really something. From the sound effects to text, it's an experience that I haven't went through before with any other murder-sim! Some parts had me physically cringing! This isn't a dark romance, yet I can't help but find Daniel captivating. His slight moment of clarity during the secret ending where he says "I don't know why I am the way I am. I wish I was normal. I wish we met in a better time, a better place where I am better." have really stuck something in me and have stayed with me. I find him very interesting, I wish we knew more about his mental health background but all I can do is speculate and come to my own conclusions. Which isn't all that bad, I like the freedom given to the player to imagine their own things about him! All in all, I really enjoyed this game and horror experience!!


that was insane


Hi! I've been in love with this game for 6 months now and I'm interested in Daniel as a person. I would like to ask where the forum disappeared where people could ask questions about Daniel? I want to read your answers to questions about him again and ask a couple of my own questions about him


this was yummy. real horror goodness.


GOSHHH i wanna try this game, i saw a few edits. its gaining fame. Really hope i will be abe to play it


se encuentra en español


how download on ios?😭😭 


Go down to downlaod and click the one with the apple symbol by it!! It doesn't matter which one 😊


I love this game! <3

(2 edits) (+5)

its SO good omg, im a big fan of a horror-datesim games like this (hello gatobob fans lol) 
i hope it wont be abandoned!!!

do you have patreon or something? i would love to support you :)

edit: just read the secret ending and its AMAZING i have no words

luv this game !


No me deja descargarlo :(

(1 edit) (+11)

You know your cooked when you get jealous once he mentions his other victims 💀

Amazing work!


yeah mentally cooked


(1 edit) (+3)

The game is so damn good, I've never been so open-mouthed, congrats it's so good that I won't have it off my mind for a long time


It wont let me download at all! :0( 

It says that "Couldn't download, no permissions." and when I try to try again it still wont! Sm1 help pls 3:


hello! maybe try to follow this guide


Puedo jurar que con ningún juego de este tipo tuve una cara como la que tuve en este, quedé completamente espantado adentrándome en la historia, ya que, no es como esas historias o novelas visuales en las que tiene que haber algo tan romantizado, un final feliz, de hecho, todo se sintió tan acorde a su personaje que da miedo. Sólo imaginarme en esa situación me pone los pelos de punta. Es muy buen juego para hacerte sentir así. No sabría si "Me encantó" podría ser la palabra que deba usar para describir lo que pienso de este juego. Pero es buenísimo.


I feel just like that lol


Bro this is such a nice game but i have trouble playing it because it won't download, my discord username is bigmilkers0513. Anyone is welcome to send me a text to help ty 😙


i need him




Cuando sale la traducción a español


my laptop is broken so im trying to find a way to move the files pls give me some time


How much will the final game will be?


i want it to be free but then it would be too accessible im trying to find a way to lessen the chance of minors from engaging with this pls give me some time ^^ tyty




Eu estou chocada. 

História, personagem e enredo. 

Isso foi uma experiência louca e incrível, por favor não desista de fazer um jogo completo <3

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

This game brought me to tears. I don't remember the last time I cried like this. The secret ending is something else (I'll only talk about it from here on). The part with "I wish I was normal" felt painfully realistic, especially how Daniel kind of wants to be normal, but he doesn't even try to change. And when the protagonist dies at the end with the thought that at least they were loved, the realization that even in such a hopeless situation, they find some tiny bit of peace just tears my soul apart. But I think what actually made me cry was the fact that the protagonist died while Daniel, in his madness, wanted to become one with them. It was brutal, for both Daniel and the protagonist. Though I don’t even know what affected me more. Definitely not the horror aspect of the game (even though it was disturbingly realistic, my genuine respect to the creator), but probably some personal demons of mine. I love this game, the story, the visuals, the soundtrack, everything. I’ll be waiting for the full version to come out.

An incredible character. An incredible representation of antisocial personality disorder. I've never seen something this relatable before.


Ik he´s such a bad man but he´s so fine😍😍😍😍


Alguien sabe como sacar el final secreto? pongo el codigo y no pasa nada


hi! pls make sure there are no typos! "iwanttowearyourskinandyoumine"


why so hot if evil? :(

Real bro, like he's so hot😔

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

aunque me quieran meter ideas malas en la cabeza de el, no lo van a lograr por que yo lo conozco más que todos ustedes, se que es un hombre bueno, y no no es perfecto,¿quien es perfecto en esta vida?

(Lo tenía q poner AJAJAJAJJA) 


alch bañate w


I need to know cause i dont know what the type on the first typing scene like...what are some things to type without him ignoring it???


I tried several answers, and the only ones where anything changes are if you type 'killme' or 'iloveyou'.


Flowers where flowers are due and to you the whole shop. I respect this work tremendously, and I just go hard for a game with such a concept as this. I believe that additional thoughts like this should be experimented with, more than just from the typical angle of morbid curiosity, such as "Oh, this is dark and sick; how quirky." I just enjoy the attention to detail, how it is acknowledged that he is completely crazed and that there was no mutual love between the two. Simply a one-sided, frenzied need to seek whatever the cost. What he wouldn't do to get hold of you. The focus is on how, no matter what choice you make in your "fight or flight," he is going to act in his own interest and will, because he is twisted and obsessed. I want to talk more about this game (I'm sure everyone here does), but I just don't have the words to convey how interestingly horrific it was. 10/10 hated every second of it and can't wait for the full game. The way my skin crawled because of the sound effects, the way I stopped at the line "I feel lighter," how I just had to pause a few times. For a visual novel-style game, I have never had such reactions to this style of gameplay.

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