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it freaked me tf out... but i enjoyed it nonetheless..! looking forward for more updates :Dc


i wanna know if there's gonna be more endings on the final game or if you're going to make more games involving this theme! seriously it's so good, you did a very good job!


oh my god. that special ending actually made me horrified. this game is horrible. (IN A GOOD WAY) i have so many regrets about playing this at 11:00pm...


I'm sick of this game and I HATE this guy terribly.   And it's AMAZING. This is exactly what I expected earlier from similar games. This visual novel caused me emotions, negative ones, but that was the point.  I got my share of outbursts of negative emotions.


Jesus Christ it's so gruesome... which is a good thing because I think VNs of similar nature have been kind of tame? It's absurd but like I have come across games with maybe the same trigger warnings and I legit thought that this one would be uwu murder man so cute so sexy like them. BUT NO IT'S ACTUALLY SCARY AND UNSETTLING (Daniel still lowkey hot tho-).

I think the most horrifying feature of the game is the sound effects. I remember playing for the first time and all the sfx- I was wearing my headphones so damn I felt like the goosebumps were all over my body. And the special ending is just?!?! 

I really did enjoy the experience!! Looking forward to the full game. 


RATING: ˗ˏˋ ★★★★☆ ˎˊ˗ Close to greatness, need improvements
[Semi-review, not really serious]

This game made me uncomfortable playing it—and that's good! [SPOILERS FROM HERE] I was ~sincerely~ surprised when I got beaten by him during the kidnapping, in the car/bedroom when we first met him. I genuinely didn't expect it because the murder sims I've played don't IMMEDIATELY BEAT the Y/N into submission. Sure, most murder sims *hurt* the Y/N, but playing through this game made me remember: oh right! Abusive exes who "come back" to "get you" will BEAT YOU to get what they want/if they don't get what they want. This game is a good reminder of that, and I haven't found many murder sims like it.

I thought this man was a gym bro. Realizing that he's a farmer was WHIPLASH, I tell you. WHIPLASH! This isn't criticism, I just... Found it kinda funny because all I could think of was: yeah, this guy DEFINITELY ~did not~ kill his therapist and "choose" to become a farmer on a really secluded area with NO SIGNAL for no reason whatsoever (Sarcasm). Side note, a suggestion: I want that therapist *on the news* because they're either dead, recently found, or missing—I need confirmation.

I found this game from a YouTube video. I clicked, it played, and within 1 second of seeing that it's a Renpy game and *not* ASMR, I immediately downloaded it. No regrets. Thank you YouTube for the hookup.

NITPICKS. Pretty mild, no real issues, and more geared towards the creator:

TLDR: Game good, man should be in prison, I'm suffering mentally from man but I like it?? Thank you s1ckh34d for letting us 18+ murder sim enjoyers eat ♡ (I'd rather not eat what Daniel is serving)






This is one of the VN's that made me shiver a little. at first I though, "oh a gory VN alright lets play." but then after playing through all possible choices then the special ending it was more unsettling then I thought, I don't wanna undermine your work but it reminded me to BTD- as in a gore game that went way beyond my expectations!

the special ending was really the final nail in the coffin, that ending made me shiver, covering the screen shiver lmao I'm no good with those eyes- I wish there was more lore or explanation to it though, the special ending gave a little inside look ig but I understand that this is just a small portion on the bigger picture.

anyways I'm excited to see where this will go especially with the other TBA characters I saw on your toy house assuming that they'll be part of the game. ill be watching for any updates woohoo!!

side note: noncon after gore ough sanitary issues my guy that's how you get a UTI /hj

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a question will he successfully start a family? and how did Y/N and him break it off


he's not yn's ex! he's just delusional haha.. so he speaks as if you were together. i can't really answer the question on successfully starting a family 😅


A suggestion: could you please tag for amputation in the warnings? It's a fairly common squick/phobia and mutilation doesn't necessarily imply that. Thank you very much for reading this even if you don't.



how do you open the game once downloaded, im a PC noob


Descarga winrar, cuando ya lo tengas vas al archivo Zip, no lo abras pero si toca el archivo, click derecho en el mouse y te salen opción, dale donde dice "comprimir" o "extraer / extraer aquí", se hará una cosita y te hará una segunda carpeta sin el zip, entras en la carpeta, sale la aplicación, sólo le das click y listo 


literally showing this to all my friends


I'm sorry, I wrote a comment through a translator, English is not my native language


I was just stunned. It was probably my first visual novel that was so straightforward and honest with the player. You should have seen my face when Daniel amputated all our limbs...However, it seems to me that the description was a little bit left out. Putting the squeeze on it. I would like the process itself to be described in a little more detail. Also, as for me, there are problems with y/n emotions, as if they do not exist at all. We have very little reaction to all of Daniel's actions.


if im correct, there will be a full version of the game, i hope we see the things you mentioned

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you for the feedback! i agree that the pacing isn't the best and that i need to work on my writing, HAHA.. i haven't written anything fictional or descriptive in a long time.. i think i focused more on the aspect of torture rather than the characters' emotions or the story, but i'll make sure to expand on that in the future. thanks again! ☆ (this is just an experimental game!)


To be honest, your descriptions and use of sound effects were great, I'm nauseous right now and that's a good thing, keep going I'm excited to see you improve.


OMG, I was really surprised what Daniel was and until now everything was fine. Until I played the special ending and GOD MY. It truly left me speechless.

I really looked forward to how the story would develop. Love the game.


I'm so sorry, but i genuinely don't know where that code is for the secret route. I mean i read the description, but i don't know what does "playlist" mean in this context. :((


(1 edit) (+2)

Go to Daniel's toyhouse profile and click either the spotify or the youtube link, in the description of any of those there's a phrase, that's the key to the secret ending.



.... I know everything has been warned about blood, stabbing and blah blah...but I was still shocked after playing the special ending.

Why did I expect him to be as hot as he is on tiktok 💀

(Sorry if my English is bad 💀)


he got that mental illness 3000 😔 HAHAHAHA TIKTOK OH NO


its hella terrifying, when i first saw this on tiktok i thought it would be fine being with daniel, but when i finally played it, it actually made me realize that i never ever want to be with him haha

i just wish it should have another route like a good ending where the yn escapes or kills daniel, or another bad ending which the yn doesn't lose any body parts but instead is held captive forever


you can't stay with him without losing everything 😅🙏 yeah.. you can't fix him, but there will be alternate endings where you do escape or "escape." thanks!! ♡♡


it was an eye-widening short vn for me since i mentally gasped at what i was reading at that time haha,

and he's too broken to actually fix hahaha


I love this game! I wish I had more of a story, something that would interest me other than a handsome yandere man ^^, but I understand this is just a beta (?) this game should have a sequel, right??? 


the point of this game is the torture and "hot" psychopathic man 😅😅🙏 that's the whole thing about this prototype.. i don't know why people keep expecting a deeper meaning from a test game, but i will keep the feedback about the story/plot/endings in mind! thank you ♡


I understand,all right! I would love to have such a line of conduct that if I behave well, this man would behave more affectionately 🙏🏻♡ of course it's only for the author to decide what will happen in the game, but that's just my silly wish ^^ 

(2 edits) (+3)

I really love this game i hope there’s a part 2 i cant wait :(….,


On God I would've treated this mf like a chew toy if he hadn't done what he did. Anyway, this game was an... Experience (/pos), loved the way you interpreted his obsession and his 'self-awareness'; he's fucked up and he knows it, yet doesn't care enough to actually do something about it. 

Btw, I will be back for every update religiously from now on 🙏 love from LatAm 🥰🥰 

(also cackling rn at the mfs below that basically saw a big, bright red 'TORTURE' warning in bold letters and thought you were kidding.)


thank you!! yeah, i'm concerned that a lot of people don't even skim through the warnings before playing owhfosnddkbdsk hopefully they're okay haha 😨

I can't play on mobile/android 😔 It won't let me install. Will this be fixed? Ty


have you made sure whatever browser app you're using is able to install apps? try doubling checking your settings

allo! have you tried following the instructions i put near the end of the page?

(1 edit)

Yeah, I've tried many things it just doesn't seem to work :P I can download it, it just keeps saying App not installed when I try installing (I have it allowed, device is Google pixel 6a) 

Edit: Pulled out my old Samsung to try to download it. That worked!! It just won't download on this phone for some reason 


Make an ending where i dotn lose my teeth thanks.... .. . .. ...


is the teeth the part youre worried about?


Pretty much only the teeth ☹️ouch i felt the pulling...


mine was the armss 😣 take the legs whatever


I followed a account on Twitter and when playing I realized it's the same character and I still can't believe they made a game based on him. Omg (my twitter was banned in my country, so I didn't see what happened)


I've been playing a lot of Yandere VN these days and this one was... something. It's crude, vile and twisted just like Daniel and I love it so much. Daniel is so hot and ruthless, I really like his design, so I hope there's more of him in the future.

I wish there was some sort of "good ending", but I understand that not every story has a happy ending, but alas, I can dream. Anyway, speaking of endings, the special ending?!?! I WAS BREATHLESS... in a good way. One tend to forget that yanderes can come in any shape and plenty of them have no trouble in severely harming MC in order to keep them within their reach.




SPOILERS, skip this if you haven't completed the special ending!!!

When he admits he wishes to be normal, I was speechless. The same man that didn't feel remose when hitting MC to subdue them was, somehow, aware of the fact there's something wrong with him. I felt bad for him, but at the same time I didn't, I wanted to squish him like a bug!!! I love him but I hate him. TBH, I wasn't expecting the cannibalism part to happen the way it happened but it was good, it felt very in character, as if it was the true ending, if that makes sense. lol


you said it perfectlyyy

what is the code for the special ending? :(


Idk if you found the code but it's:








Thank you!! 😙😙


glad you enjoyed it!! ♡♡ i put more thought into the special ending than the main "plot." kidding.. ahaha 👅👅👅


Man, I can't download it, if I can, the game doesn't appear, I really want to play man, and like, I don't know if it's the iPhone, but help me please

hello! unfortunately, there is no build for iphones ToT... ios has their own system for apps, and i'd have to pay a fee to get it up in that system :(( sorry


Honestly, I have nothing more to say other than that I'm both disappointed and disgusted and not in the good way. This feels more like torture p0rn than it is horror. We aren't given much of a story to go off of and not even too long into the game, we witness MC getting assaulted and the rest of the game play is just assault and body mutilation. The fact that this is a prototype yet the game is mostly focusing on the torture and r@p3 aspects of the game doesn't give me much hope for this game, which is disappointing considering that I like the art and style of the game. This being "shock" or disgusting horror seems more of an excuse than a reason for this game to be a thing, considering that a lot of the r@p3 and SA aspects of this game feel more romanticized than something horrific and genuinely traumatic happening to the character. I wouldn't be saying much if it was just the amputating stuff because honestly it's expected, but it feels like the scenes where the guy is SA-ing MC are nothing there but for either shock or romanticized purposes. I thought we left r@p3 happening to video game MCs in the past but I guess not. Nothing about this games feels worth playing other than for the aesthetics alone.


not your cup of tea huh?


if its your cup of tea then that's concerning considering the lack of a story and little to no actual defense for this


it is concerning and disturbing yes, thats why theres warnings, ever crossed your mind? or did you expect a cute little dark romance story


what- did you not read the warnings?


Did you even read the warning...? How can it be "romanticied" when MC is sick to her core/disgusted when Daniel SA'ed her? I would call this a horror not "romance" by any means. And if you come across the creator's twitter when I think you should not be suprised at all. Plus, the creator explicitly said that this is non/dubcon, not some kind of vanilla wholesome "i can fix him" typa love story. She even said there are NO HAPPY EMDINGS. 

Your reading skills are THAT bad. 


If this makes you unconformable then feel free to leave. You are clearly not the target audience


... this game actually truly disturbed me so much that ı couldn't finish it... ı thought it wouldn't affect me or ı would force myself to finish it like reading a 'dead dove do not eat' tag (and ı only read one of those. it was enough to traumatize me), but it was not... even my curiosity couldn't make me read it. in fact, ı didn't want to continue AT ALL.  ı will be 100 percent honest: this game truly complişed what it was set out to do in my opinion. ı am stuck between being amazed, or being EXTREMELY CONCERNED for the writer... and tbh? ı think ı am more concerned than amazed... ı hope everything is okay because this was too real and more horrifying then ı imagined...


Okay so did you see the "SA, multilaton, teeth-pulling, skin peeling, cannibalism" part or did you just not read it at all

remember 'dead dove do not eat' tag? ı knew what ı was getting into, but ı didn't know it would be THAT real

thank you for the concern HAHA i assure you, i'm more than fine 🌸🌸 i'm glad you decided to click out for your own good! more people should do that ^^ hope you're doing better!


nono, ı am defenitely doin good.  ı was more concerned for U. great game btw, ı know it DEFİNETLY delivers perfectly and a treasure to find for people who can stomach it, but ı sadly ı didn't get to enjoy it fully like them ':( anyways, ı wish u well in your next games! ı may not be able enjoy it, but do what u want to do in anything u do, it'll always be appreciated as a game as long as it is something you enjoy making.


Eu gostaria muito de jogar o jogo e somente a ideia dele me deixa obcecada 

Mas eu não consigo jogar porque toda vez que tento o jogo fecha e vai pra tela inicial 😞

(1 edit) (+5)

SPOILERS, maybe, Idk. I'll try to be vague. But I advise anyone to play first before reading this comment so my rambling makes sense. (Unless you're squeamish!! It may not look that bad from the outside, BUT MAN... ONCE YOU GO IN? YOU'RE DONE FOR.)

This game is DISGUSTING. /vpos I loved it, and I was legit looking at an imaginary camera everytime something shocking or gross happened,  like I was SCREAMING like I had an audience with me. I don't even livestream! I'm just expressive like that. BUT no other game has gotten THIS much expressiveness from me in terms of negative feelings besides sadness. (I'm an angst enjoyer.) I WAS LIKE  "GET OFF ME GET OFF ME I'LL BITE YOUR GODDAMN DICK OFF." "CHAT... MY LIMBS?!? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRAW NOW?!?!? MY ONLY TALENT, NOOOOOO..." "MY TEEF..." "He's hot and all, but I hate this man and I want him dead." (This was said with love.) etc etc.

What I am saying is, HOLY COW, YOU ARE GOOD AT CATCHING PEOPLE OFF GUARD AND INVOKING FEELINGS INTO THEM. I am a huge horror and yandere VN fanatic so I predicted a few things, but they still surprised me nonetheless!! Loved the character design, loved the sorta hazy environment because the haziness makes sense, loved the music, loved the horrific sound effects... It truly is amazing what people can think of, and wowza, fear is fun! (The realistic properties made me shudder... Anatomical aspects were also awesome to read.)


Speaking of surprises and predictions, when I saw the cannibalism tag I already knew what was gonna happen, but I did NOT expect it to happen that way. THAT SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME and my face was like 🙁😟😧😨 THE WHOLE TIME. And I felt sad and bad when he said that better part... He clearly has a huge thing for the MC (If that wasn't obvious enough...) but he KNOWS he's bad. Kind of. But at that part, he SORTA knew, and he WANTED to be better for the MC, but he clearly didn't want to get better himself, for whatever reason.


10/10, loved the game. I WILL overanalyze Daniel. Thank you for the meal. :3 (I am saying thank you to both the dev and to Daniel... Wink wink, special ending joke, wink wink wink)


you said it perfectlyyyy omg


I LOVE your game and waiting for updates! But i'm sorry to say that i think he's kinda looks like "Tera" from "The boy and the wolf." I know we haven't seen Daniel's face yet but his  body and face shape is quite that way. I'm REALLY sorry to saying this, this is just my opinion tho. Anyway i'm looking forward to your updates! Can't even wait any longer😫😫😫😫


question, will you continue the gane with more routes or days? or do you plan on leaving it as it is? cant wait to see more of you work, i loved it <3 especially the sound effects, wow


i will be adding more routes! ^^ 🙏🙏 thank you so much!


I'm dumb and I can't seem to get the special ending :3. Nonetheless, this VN is quite scary esp. it has no good ending. Either way, Daniel is kinda hot (not his mental state). ( o w o )


Go to Daniel's toyhouse profile and click either the spotify or the youtube link, in the description of any of those there's a phrase, that's the key to the secret ending.



such a silly man


My device is window, I faced a problem of not being able to download it. Is there anyone that can help? this is my 3rd try

hi! have you tried completely deleting tbe files and redownloading it?

Hello! yes! I also turned off my anti virus while downloading it

is your laptop/pc 32 bit? i searched and it says renpy games cant be launched on 32 bit pcs ToT

no its 64 bit (TvT)

hmm what program did you use to extract it? maybe try winrar/7zip to extract the file instead of the base extraction tool in windows!


Hellooo. Unfortunately I couldn't play it myself, my phone just goes to the main screen after starting the game.. But I watched someone else play and I'm impressed. In a good way. I like how you showed Daniel's obsession, I would like to know more about him, much more. Thank you for your work, I look forward to your next projects 👁🖤 

(Sorry if there are mistakes, I use a translator. Now you know that you have a fan from Russia.))


raaa... sorry about the crash ToT i'm not sure why some devices cant open the game :(( but still, thank you! ^^ ♡♡♡


Holy crap, this game was something! I really love the sound effects, it made me freak out! this was a nice experience, can't wait to see what else you have in store!! :)


Dear creator this was so cool but i cannot for the love of shit decode that special ending. For some reasons god hates me. ANW love your game can't wait for the full version!!!


you dont need to decode anything anymore! pls check the "instructions" near the end of the page :3

thamk u ☆♡☆


Not even Therapy can fix this man WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM 😭😭😭 (i need him so bad tho) 

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